Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mattea 3 years old

3 years old at last! In some ways it feels like she is older because we can't imagine life without her, and at the same time, I can't believe we have a 3 year old! Mattea is full of spunk and cracks us up with all the crazy things she says and does. She is also very observant, meticulous - she definitely doesn't miss a beat! 

At her checkup today she weighed 36 lbs 8 ounces and was just over 40 inches tall - so still at the highest end of the charts in terms of size. WNBA here we come???

She loved her time at daycare, but says she would rather be at home with Mommy, so she couldn't wait until summer time and it was no surprise that she had a long list in her mind of "things to do" which include going to the beach...going to the zoo...going to the pony farm...etc etc etc! Not sure how many of those things we'll be able to cross off but so far she seems pretty happy with just be home and doing a whole lot of everyday "nothingness":-)
We did get a great deal on some 2 day Wonderland passes, so we went with the girls and to our surprise, Mattea LOVES rides. She was not afraid of anything and went on literally every ride she could and the faster the better in her mind! Because of her height she was even tall enough for the Ghoster Coaster - which was her favourite ride of all!

She loves doing any kind of craft or activity and desperately wants to learn to write (she is forever asking me to make outlines of letters for her to trace!). She also loves games and can actually beat us at memory games etc! I'm hoping over the next month or so to get in as much learning with her as I can before the new baby comes along!


Darla said...

I love that girl. She seems so completely fun! I know the talking, intellectual type (or so they think! - Kenna!), and it's soooo much fun. She's only 3 inches shorter than Kenna and Brooks. Scary! We can totally blame Mark for that one, he's way too tall:-)

Beccy said...

cute pictures! such a pretty smile!
And yes this is the age to learn so fill her up! LOL

Janessa said...

WOW! What a CUTE little girl (or should I say tall girl;)