Sunday, October 28, 2012

D&D's visit to TO

Last week we had a visit from Davis and Danielle! We were so excited to have them come to Toronto and to be able to meet Danielle and to spend some time together.

The visit allowed for some learning experiences for the kids, but also for Davis:

Mattea learned that Uncle Davis had "funny tricks" - which was him holding her hand and then switching his hands without her noticing. She would laugh and laugh and then beg him to do it again. The trick never seemed to get old and kept her quite content to hold hands while we shopped!

Davis quickly learned that Mattea has surprisingly bony knees and elbows and she knows how to uses them in her wrestling matches. He also learned about fighting etiquette....after mercilessly attacking your opponent, you then go back and say "excuse me Uncle Davis...I'm sorry for fighting you".

He also learned never to let Dr's Newallo and Newallo treat him for his wounds...Kayla is not known for her ability to administer pain medication and her treatments usually result in the need for more pain medication. She may have given him a stab wound to the chest while trying to inject him with a plastic needle.

He also learned that babies can scream for long periods of time without a) hurting their voices or b) stopping! - courtesy of Canaan letting us know he wasn't too happy about all the car rides and shopping trips (just preparing you for the future Davis!)

and I don't think Kayla ever quite learned that SHE was the "punkin" that Auntie Dani was talking about. She would keep going and looking around as if she is going to find one.

All in all, the girls had a great time with their Uncle and new Auntie. Mattea claimed very quickly that Uncle Davis was her new best friend and that she loved him. And when dropping them off at the airport, Kayla cried for a good 20 minutes afterwards saying "oh no!...Unco!!!" 

So Davis and Dani, thanks for coming!!! We miss you!!!

1 comment:

Darla said...

So glad they got to come visit!! Looks fun. Love that "punkin" story, haha:-)