Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mattea Feb-Mar update

Here are some pictures of Mattea taken over the course of the past 2 months...

These leopard print pjs are her favourites! and she may have adopted my childhood ability of picking crazy outfits. She purposely chooses her wildest clothes and wants to wear them all together! Then when I try to tell her what matching is...she is like..."Mom...stripes go with stripes!"....c'mon...hard to dispute that logic...so now we are working on choosing complimentary colours;-)

 I think this is pretty much every piece of of plastic jewelry that she owns:-) Kayla would proudly declare her a "wock staw!".

 She is still super animated and imaginative...definitely possessing a flair for the dramatic! She is into playing all kinds of imaginary games...usually involving some kind of adaptation of a Disney movie or a Bible story
Here is a quote from her playing Jonah in February...

Mattea (as God): Go to Ninevah! And tell the people to stop doing the wong things and start doing the wight things!
Mommy (as Jonah): No! I won't go! I'm going to get on a boat and go far far away!
Mattea: If you do that, I will send a big fish to swallow you up for 3 whole days
Mommy: if he is going to swallow me for 3 days, then why are you holding up 4 fingers?
Mattea (with 4 fingers still in my face and with her God voice): Because I cannot do 3!

And the funny part is...when its her turn to be Jonah...she never gets swallowed by the big fish...

Mommy (as God): Go to Ninevah and tell the people to start doing the right things...
Mattea (as Jonah): Yes God!!!

- if only she responded like that to her parents!!! Lol...and like it or not, her sister is roped into all of her crazy schemes and ideas...and usually gets yelled at for not playing "right":-P 

We got tons of snow this winter, so she had fun making snow angels, attempting to skate (not exactly succeeding), going tobogganing....and making this....snow...um..creature....

 We finished our reading lessons and as promised, we made a trip to My Gifted Child to pick up a reward for her hard work. We returned home with... ....a firetruck. Of all the shelves of playmobil...(which she claimed made her eyes feel dizzy...)....the firetruck stood out above the rest!

She is starting to think really deeply about life, death, and spiritual things...here are a few quotes...

Discussing where meat comes from:
Mommy: that's beef
Mattea: what's beef?
Mommy: Beef is cow
Mattea: really?!
Mommy: yes, just like chicken is from chickens, beef is from cows
Mattea: OHhh! and I know! Ham is from hamsters!

Mattea: how come you dont' live with your mommy and daddy?
Mommy: well when you get married, you leave your mommy and daddy and you live with your husband to start a new family. Someday you will get married and you will get your own house
Mattea : But MOM! I don't want to leave you! I will MISS you!
way to make me cry...

During her bedtime devotions...Mattea started trying to piece together a very confusing concept...the trinity!
Mattea: "Jesus's mom is ...Mary...and Jesus's dad is....God...What?! Jesus IS God!? That doesn't make any sense!!!"

and here's one more...just because it was funny...

After asking me "why" all day...I told Mattea to hurry up and eat her food, to which she replied "why?"
Mommy: "Mattea are you asking me why again?"
Mattea (without skipping a beat): fake laughs.."oh mom, I'm not asking you why, I'm just talking about the letter "y"!"

It was a great winter with her, and she is changing and growing so much! She is counting down the days until she turns 4....and then of course, is already thinking ahead to when she turns 5, then 6, then 7...etc etc!


Darla said...

Love her quotes. SOoo funny! She's getting so big, can't believe it!

Kari said...

again, they are getting so big!!! They seem to keep you on your toes. I bet things are never boring haha! :)

Janessa said...

She is quite the little character "letter y" I LOVE her hair, and she is soooo pretty.