It's been a while since I have posted any pics of the here you go, probably more than you want to see! Lol...
All of the pics were taken at the end of July/beginning of August, so Kayla was 4.5 months old.
In update news, Mattea is potty trained! We started right after her birthday (when she became a "big girl"), and after only 1.5 days, she was done (day and night!). It went much easier than I thought it would, which I guess means that she was probably ready a bit sooner. She weighed 30 lbs at her checkup and was 36 3/4 inches tall. She still loves to read and watch "shows", but most of all she loves to do any kind of craft, involving glue, markers, stamps etc. Her new favourite toy is her "doodle board" (magnetic board), and she draws circles and lines and squiggles, and asks me "what letter is this?". She can recognize all of her letters and is learning to recognize some words (like her name, Mommy, Daddy etc). She loves to learn and begs me to teach her things. She wants to learn numbers now, and also the sounds that letters make. She is always trying to understand what is going on, and asks lots of questions about "what is happening" and "what is ___ "? She also has quite the imagination and has many conversations with her various toys and stuffed animals which are always fun to overhear! She's at a great stage, and I'm definitely enjoying it!
Enjoying one of her favourite: "Smoooooothies"
Ahhh the pre-crawling days....
Definitely NOT a neat freak like her sister....this one spits and thinks its funny! This was her first time eating solids...
Daddy and his little girls...(and yes, Mattea enjoying yet another smoothie)
Mommy getting some cuddles too!
Crazy grins....this is what we see from her pretty much 24/7. She is always ready with a big smile!