Brent and Chantelle currently reside in Webster, a small community on the outskirts of Grande Prairie Alberta. Their story begins in the summer of 2007 when they became good friends and quickly more than just that. In September of 2007 they were engaged and happily married on July 5th 2008. They were blessed on May 25th 2009 with their baby boy Marshall Payton and on April 11, 2011 Keaton Asher joined the family as well.
Brent is a journeyman carpenter currently working for Dueck Brothers based out of Grande Prairie. He thoroughly enjoys his work and is a dedicated worker (and father:) Brent is best described as an outdoorsman and his passions lie in his gunshop. He enjoys hunting and reloading his own bullets as well as hiking and quadding.
Chantelle stays at home with Marshall and Keaton. Past jobs include Therapeutic clown at the hospital, photographer and landscaper. When granted the opportunity and time she enjoys playing sports like volleyball and soccer as well as taking photo's.
(written in March 2011, by Chantelle)