Wow, two weeks have flown by, but at the same time, it feels like she's always been here! At her 2 week checkup, Kayla weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces, was 22 inches long and her head was 36 cm (seems like the hospital made a mistake when they had measured it as being 31 cm!). She is doing great and starting to interact more with us now, wanting to stare at our faces and give us big smiles - revealing the big dimple she has in her cheek!
Here are some pics, Enjoy!!
Here she is 4 days old:

Here she is 5 days old:

Here she is 8 days old:

Here she is 13 days old:

Here she is 14 days old:

Here she is 15 days old, getting love from Daddy: