Monday, April 4, 2011

Kayla - 2 weeks old!

Wow, two weeks have flown by, but at the same time, it feels like she's always been here! At her 2 week checkup, Kayla weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces, was 22 inches long and her head was 36 cm (seems like the hospital made a mistake when they had measured it as being 31 cm!). She is doing great and starting to interact more with us now, wanting to stare at our faces and give us big smiles - revealing the big dimple she has in her cheek!

Here are some pics, Enjoy!!

Here she is 4 days old:
Here she is 5 days old:
Here she is 8 days old:
Here she is 13 days old:

Here she is 14 days old:

Here she is 15 days old, getting love from Daddy:


Darla said...

I adore that last picture. Absolutely priceless! You gotta frame it (OR, put it in that slider album, lol!!!). She looks a lot like you...I'm seeing a Shantz gene coming through...right? How cute. you need to tell me which pic I should use on the blog header!

Lauryn said...

I think she is definitely a mixture of both of us (whereas Mattea was all Daddy)...Kayla has Mark's mouth and chin and his shape of face, but she may have my eyes and forehead. But the chubbier she is getting, the more she is changing, so we'll have to see. For now, she is herself!:-)

You can feel free to pick whatever picture you like best or that you think would look best for the blog header:-)

Beccy aka MomK said...

Yep the Shantz gene is coming through...I see Brent as a baby when I see her! Actually it would be the Heintz gene as he looks like his great-grandma Katie. Aren't genes fasinating? Fun days! Enjoy them....they go way too fast.

chantelle said...

So fun to see pictures of her again, she is changing so fast! Its funny how similar but different she is from Mattea. Keep the pictures coming, its fun to watch them change and grow so fast :)

Mrs. E said...

Isn't Grand-parenting the best!!! Love the blog and what a wonderful way to keep tabs on your 'growing family' :) Hugs to y'all!