Monday, July 18, 2011

Keaton's 3 months old!

Keaton is growing up so fast, it seems as though he is no longer a "little" baby. He is a much bigger baby than Marshall was and is just over an inch away from Marshall's 9 month measurement! Keatons personality a lot of the time is less than desirable but when he is happy it is the cutest thing. Marshall was a lot more outgoing and loved to be around people where as Keaton takes a long time to warm up to people. Marshall was a difficult feeder and seemed to never eat where as Keaton is constantly wanting to eat (and eats tons in one feeding). They also look completely different, Marshall is a lot fairer (like a Knapp) where as Keaton seemed to pick up the darker Kennedy genes. It seems as though these boys are almost complete opposites but as you can see from the following picture they adore each other. Marshall likes to get in his face and say "hi Keaton, hi!", he is constantly giving Keaton kisses and cuggles :) As expected there are the moments where Marshall wants to launch himself off of Keatons stomach with one foot, or "tap" him a little harder than usual but we tend to catch on to that before it actually happens. Over all we are very grateful for his little life and wouldn't trade either of them for the world (even though Brent jokes that he wants to trade him in for a less fussy, quieter model :)

Marshall playing with his little brother

Trying hard to get him to smile

Watching his big brother trying to get him to smile :D


Darla said...

He's so cute! Brooks was our crabby 2nd born too! Love the updates:-)

Beccy - Mom said...

Good pics of keaton!

Lauryn said...

Thanks for the update! I've been wanting to see some new pics! He's a cutie...and don't they do such a good job of looking innocent??:-)