Kayla turned 3 months this past Sunday (13 weeks)! She has become such a sweet baby, so pleasant and smiley. She watches you patiently, and then when you look at her, she is always ready with a huge grin! She also laughs when you laugh which is too cute, and makes us laugh even more! She seems to be quite the little joker already! She went into the jumperoo for the first time at 11 weeks, and knew exactly what to do in there - she is a little jumping bean! She is also spoiling us with nice long nights, sleeping 11-12 hrs every night and when she wakes up you would never know it as she just quietly lies there waiting for you to come for her! So all in all, we have been blessed once again with a really good baby! She has even overcome her carseat aversion, making for much more peaceful car rides and outings!
Here are some pics of her taken at 11 weeks old:
Looking serious...
These pics are from last week - 12 weeks old:
This is her waking from a nap: