Saturday, July 16, 2011

"I'n two yeyahs owd!"

That's right, Mattea turned 2 years old last Sunday! She has been super excited about birthdays recently so when it came time for her own, she was definitely ready for the cake, the decorations, the party and the presents! We had a small Dora themed family party for her (her latest obsession!), and she had a blast. She is a very spunky little girl, and loves to read, do puzzles, play outside and play imaginary games (especially with her playmobil and stuffed animals). She weighs 34 lbs and is 38 inches tall, so she is still in the 95th percentile for weight and well off the charts for height. She is alot of fun and we love her to death!

Some pics from her birthday:
- Reading up in her room while her cousins play!

Running through her new birthday doggy sprinkler (who she thinks is Slinky from Toy Story). He shakes his head back and forth, spraying water...and she sternly grabbed his face and said "Linky...listen to me! Stop shaking...and sit still!" - I guess she had enough of the water!
Here is her birthday cake:
These sister shots were taken at the end of June:

This was her at the zoo back in June:



Darla said...

Love the "linky" comment by her. Lol!! Such a mom thing to say, right?! The cake looks amazing! Did you make it!! Great job by whoever did it! And happy birthday to Mattea! What a sweet girl:-)

Darla said...

That would be a...did you make it ??, not !!. ??Sometimes I'm smart like that:-)

Lauryn said...

Yes I made the was way more work than I thought...not so much the decorating but trying to get the icing dyed to the right colours! I have a new appreciation for all the birthday cakes Mom decorated for us! Lol...

chantelle said...

Happy Birthday Mattea!!

Darla said...

I know, it's time intensive (and hand cramping), isn't it?:-) I just realized I didn't have M's bday on the list there on the side, so I added it in!!

Beccy - Mom said...

yes you did a great job on the cake. Even though you girls learned from me, I think you are doing better! Great pics. Glad Mattea had a good birthday celebration!

Kari said...

The cake looked great! and it looked like it was a lot of fun!! Happy Birthday Mattea! :D