#10! By this time, people were not saying to us during those last weeks of pregnancy, "we can hardly wait until you have your baby" but rather, "we can hardly wait to get your birth announcement." Pink or blue had lost it's intrigue! Well, #10 was a boy and we were all so excited. What can I say about this cute as a button baby boy? Cute. Screamed a lot. Oh, so cute! And, did I mention screamed a lot? Despite this attribute we loved him dearly! He was a delight to our hearts even though we joked "it was a good job God made him so cute"! It didn't take long to discover he was also smart, musical and tender hearted. He is now a handsome young man with a heart that wants to do what is right. There is no greater joy!
The front of Lehman's birth announcement card.

The inside: (click on the picture for full size to assist in your ability to read it :)

The back:

1998 still had me designing in MicroSoft Publisher. Then, it was a quick and easy print, fold the paper and stuff the envelope. Oh, the time saving gadgets/process to help a mother of 10! :)
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