Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Davis!

My how life has changed. When the babies were born I had the birth announcements ready other than the final details of their gender and weight etc. and they were out in the mail within a few days. Now all I have to do is scan and post and I am late. Davis was #5 and he was an absolute delight to us and his 4 siblings.
Davis is a family surname on Dave's side of the family, as well as meaning "son of David". The perfect choice. Allan is in honour of his maternal grandfather, and Matthew was chosen because of its meaning, "gift from God". We truly knew this to be true even though he got into a lot of mischief as a toddler! I do believe he wins the prize on this one. Perhaps it had something to do with him taking steps at 7.5 months and walking everywhere by 8 months old.

Best wishes to you Davis. You continue to bless us with your presence. There is no greater joy than knowing your son is following God with his whole heart.

PS A friend received the birth announcement in the mail and when her husband came home from work she handed it to him, "Look at this!" He saw the seal and went into a full confession, "Oh no, I forgot to pay that ticket!" Head in his hands he continued his lament. She said laughing hysterically, "Read it! Just read it!"


Darla said...

He was one of the cutest kids ever. Such a ham! happy belated, Davis!

Kari said...

Happy Belated Birthday Davis! :) can't wait to celebrate with you next weekend!! :D

Kari said...

or I guess the weekend after haha!