Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mattea and Kayla Update (Feb-May)

Okay, I am VERY overdue in posting some pictures of the girls! So here are a bunch taken in the last few months along with some updates on the girls. You can see the time progression as Kayla gradually gets more hair;-)

Sister Shot (Mattea 2.5 and Kayla 10 months)

 Kayla at 11 months about to get on a little battery operated quad that we were given. We got it a few months ago and right away she knew what to do with it and put her little foot on the gas peddle and away she went. Now the gas was no problem....steering is a completely different story!

Kayla at 11 months - enjoying a nice spring day and determined to try eating every leaf she can find! This has recently progressed to her sampling dandelions and also sand from her new sandbox. She held up a sand toy the other day, and I said "don't you dare put that in your mouth!"...while watching me in the eye, she slowly stuck out her tongue and took a great big lick off that sand shovel. She is one of "those" kids!

 Mattea LOVES to be outside! She wants to play soccer badly like her cousins and loves days spent in the backyard. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the summertime freezies and popsicles though:-P

Kayla's 1st birthday - this was how she looked before she dug into her cupcake. She is a Dora fanatic, so although Mattea had a Dora party for her 2nd birthday, we had to do a repeat for little Miss Kayla as she is truly obsessed. Its the only show she will actually sit still to watch!

As a size her 1 year old checkup she was 33 inches tall and weighed 24 lbs and 7 oz. In comparison to Mattea...they are exactly the same height at a year but Mattea was 3 lbs heavier. So Kayla is going to be another tall girl but is a little less chunky than her big sister was.

And this is how she looked post-cupcake! In contrast to Mattea who is an absolute neat freak (will literally get a napkin to clean a drop of milk), Kayla is a super messy eater....we laugh and say that even if you feed her dry toast, she will end up with grease in her hair! We seem to find a trail of crumbs and food wherever she has been and more often than not, a cheerio or raisin finds its way into her diaper! She is now wanting to feed herself with a spoon, and although she does a pretty good job, she still ends up wearing quite a bit of her meal!

Mattea was more excited for the cake than Kayla was! She is super excited for her own upcoming birthday and has a grand party all planned out in her mind anyway, complete with a princess cake, balloons with strings and apparently there will be goodie bags?? What are the kids at daycare teaching her??? Lol...

 Mattea in April - puzzle time in her room before bed. More often than not, these cheesy grins are the types of smiles we get these days! Most of the pics from the last few months are with the girls in pajamas too, as when I'm working the only time to catch some shots are before bed!

Mattea - (pics from end of May) She is still growing like a little weed....fully outgrown all size 4's now and into size 5. I had been hoping to reuse some summer clothes from last year, but the dresses were more like tops, the skirts were micro-minis and the shorts were definitely well...short!

Kayla - (pics from end of May, 14 months old) You can see that her hair is a longer and more full in comparison with some of the earlier pics! We can finally get two little pigtails in there, but it is certainly taking its time to grow! And believe it or not, it goes into ringlet curls when its wet, so she might end up being another little curly head, if only she had more of it!

Her newest achievement is counting....if we say one, she will say "do, dee, door". She is starting to become a little chatterbox, but we still can't decipher most of it! Her list of intelligible words though is definitely growing every day, as is her comprehension of instructions etc. We know she comprehends...but the question is...does she obey??? LOL  

She is definitely our little busy bee...and is full of mischief. This past weekend's new feat was climbing the stairs...the OUTSIDE of the stairs. She would scale the outside of the staircase and after going a few steps up would let go with one hand, and swing one leg while saying "git dow" . Get down is right!!! She may have to learn the consequences of that one the hard way! But she loves to climb and is often found playing at her little table, standing on a chair telling herself to "se dow" (sit down). She also has NO sense of fear and will try to jump off of anything and everything. Yesterday she jumped off our deck steps (2 steps), she landed in somewhat of a heap and simply got up and tried it again! (and again and again and again might I add! lol..)

These next few pics are Mattea's first identifiable works of art (done in April). According to her, the first picture is a smiley face (okay, so its a little more like a grimace...but not

This is a person....I can see it....head...arms....legs.....a single eye...a random line....and not sure if that is an ear...or a beak?? lol

This was most impressive to me...I drew her an A, then erased it...and asked her to draw one on her own and this was her first attempt! She loves to trace and do what she calls "JK work" - I guess that's what the big kids at daycare do. I'm looking forward to being off with her in the summer and seeing what I can teach her!


Darla said...

Loooove the update. They are so dang cute! Kayla sounds like such a little tomboy (remind you of anyone?!), and is so cute. You can totally see that mischievous glint in her eye:-). Mattea is growing so fast! Brian and I are laughing at all her kid kwotes. So funny! Can't wait to see pics of her epic party, goodie bags and all! (Kenna was/is the same way - she hears of something and applies to her own life as "the only way")

Kari said...

wow they are getting so big!! And more adorable every day! :) Thanks for the Update!!

chantelle said...

Thanks for the update... I can't believe how much they are changing! Soo cute, both of them seem a little too smart and adventurous for their own good LOL. Sounds like my boys. Where as Keaton isn't showing much interest in talking I can definitely understand Kayla's fearlessness as he is the same way. So fun how they are so unique and changing fast!

Beccy said...

Good to "see" the girls. It has been a long time, but I am glad you got the chance to do a post! lots of adventures - so cute!

Kennedy said...

such cuties:)

Janessa said...

They are ADORABLE:) Kayla has a lot of hair.