Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Kayla 16 months old

Well I'm a still a bit behind in posting but I'm getting better!

Kayla  was just at the Dr today and although we like to think of her as our small little girl...it turns out that she is only small to us! She is way off the charts for her height (I think it was like over 120th percentile???), measuring in at 35 inches tall and is around the 85th percentile for weight (at 26 lbs 6 ounces).

Kayla continues to be our crazy girl who keeps us on our toes as she loves to try anything she is not supposed to do! She loves to jump off things - chairs, beds, picnic tables, stairs...you name it, she has tried it and doesn't seem at all bothered by the amount of bumps and bruises she gets as she simply gets up, says the occasional "ow" and does it again (in this way she is NOTHING like her older sister who is still too cautious to attempt even half of Kayla's stunts!).

She is a big time copycat, especially of Mattea and will always take whatever Mattea has said or done and then repeat it in excess. A true younger sibling!

She could go down in the record books as the world's messiest eater...refusing to be fed by anyone, she loves her food but will literally need a bath after every meal.

She is incredibly endearing though with the sweetest, most loving personality...and gives the best hugs and kisses ever. Her vocabulary is expanding daily and her newest thing is to answer every question she is asked with either "Yeah" or "Yup" or the occasional "noooo". She constantly apologizes with "sarry" ...she says this after she falls down...or drops something. She also asks herself  "You okay?" every time she falls over - which is ALOT. She also never lets a sneeze go by without adding "bess you"!

Some of the pics in this post are of Kayla in May, some in June and the last two were taken today!:-)


Darla said...

LOVING the pics, and the one with you in it is awesome! She is so cute, and such a mix of you two...your eyes though. She is TALL! I think taller than Grey? I have to check! Lol. Can't WAIT to see what little Boy will be like!

Lauryn said...

I actually see alot of Logan in her!

And yes I am curious how this boy is going to look too Something tells me, completely different once again! But one thing the Dr's are pretty sure of is that he will be tall just like his sisters!

Beccy said...

I see alot of you, Lauryn, Brent and Logan. Those Shantz genes came through good and strong! LOL
Thanks for sharing all the pics and details.

Janessa said...

I agree with Dar, LOVE the picture with you in it. I know you take most of the pictures but seriously you've got to get Mark to take some so you can be in more :)