Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A few pics!

Well, it has been a long time since last posting... I was having some issues with it for some reason and then never got back to it! But I thought I should put up a few pictures of our little cutie pie!

 She likes to play around on our bed obviously!
 Here she is, konked out after a late night out apparently! This is a hand me down from her cousin Via that we loved!
 She also got to wear some of my baby clothes, so here she is modeling one of my favorites!
 Momma's little helper!
 Those thighs - gotta love them! And yes, she has mastered going up the stairs (a few months ago now)... the coming down part less so! She is working on walking and standing... not so confident with it yet, so Davis' hoped for early walking at 7 months never happened!
 Snuggling with her daddy!
 She loves music - she will kneel or stand and rock back and forth to the beat when there is a song playing!
 She also loves her little lion that she received as a present, getting very excited when it is given to her, waking up still holding it... basically dragging it around with her all day... :)
 She's becoming a little poser (and her hair is a little to long to stay down now, so she gets a cute little ponytail!

 And we got this picture of her and Via modelling their adorable matching dresses! Love them!!


Darla said...

She's adorable! And those dresses?! Oh my, that is the cutest thing ever!

Chantelle said...

Thanks for the post. She is so stinkin cute!