Saturday, January 5, 2013

(Brent) Kennedy Catch ups!

It seems like forever since we have been able to update on the blog, our desktop computer was being finicky!  Now with the laptop, we can finally catch up on our news!

So much has happened since we have been able to update.  We have exciting developments in the growth of our Church, Peace Country Bible Church.  We welcomed our new Pastor and his family this past October and they have been such a blessing in our life and church!  We are also growing and have currently had to move to a larger location, PRAISE THE LORD.  Brent and I are in charge of the children's ministries and we have thoroughly enjoyed establishing the Sunday School program (Generations of Grace).  We have a nursery for ages 0-4 and an elementary class ages 5-10.  The rest are currently going to the Pastors Sunday School class and as we grow and get more teachers we will start more classes.

Brent has now been working for Dueck Brothers for 9 years!  We are so grateful for consistent work and such great bosses.  He also obtained a snowmobile to enjoy through the winter and it has gotten a lot of use out of it already.  No major injuries lately but the -37 weather sure takes it's toll on the body.  His biggest accomplishment lately is a 1000 yard shot with his .308 rifle and he is one proud shooter :-).   Brent is also starting to do some gunsmithing on the side and is enjoying the ability to tinker around and troubleshoot with the guns.  We have had a lot of snow here already so lots of his time is also spent plowing and keeping up with the drifts on the driveway.

Chantelle has been busy trying to keep up with the two (now three!) boys and sporting a rather large belly for some time.  The kids along with housework and added responsibilities with church have kept her quite busy.  Now life has changed forever with the addition of baby boy #3, Jess Cooper Kennedy.  Being the lunch wagon and sleepless nights are what will be consuming her for some time now!

Marshall is changing so much lately.  He is learning how to read simple words and quickly retaining information about shapes, numbers, colours and sounds.  He has developed quite the 'first child syndrome' and has a lot to say about how things should be run... a work in progress :-).  Marshall LOVES his littlest brother and does nothing but kiss and gently 'pet' his head.  He seems to grasp the concept of him coming out of Mommies tummy and being a new little brother like Keaton.  I am sure in no time all three of them will be up to no good together.

Keaton is starting the typical 2 year attitudes, aside from that he is the sweetest little tot.  He is full of on-the-run cuddles (quick hugs) and kisses.  He is also quite literally moved by music, dancing at the sound of every beat and full of singing to all of his Sunday School songs.  Ask anyone who has spent any extended period of time with him, he is a non-stop little boy, recently being renamed by Grandma Kennedy as 'Skeeter-bug'.  I guess Keaton is his fathers son!

One more update to add!!!  We have a new little boy to announce, Jess Cooper Kennedy was born on New Years Day at 3:01 PM.  He weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and measured 20 1/2 inches long.  The boy came out screaming but has been rather quiet since, he seems content to eat (quite well I might add) and sleep.  He does get trapped gas quite a bit but we are just having to be diligent in burping.  We look forward to longer sleeps at night but are enjoying him as such a little bundle.  Jess looks a lot like his Daddy and Brent seems to think that he looks like his Grandpa Kennedy.  We love our little 'Coop'.

I'm sure there is a ton more to say but that will be for another day!

1 comment:

Darla said...

So glad you are able to post more now! Thanks for the update. Glad church is going well, too!!