Saturday, January 5, 2013

Kayla - 21 months

Kayla turned 21 months in December and continues to be our spunky little sweetheart. She is as rowdy as a boy - loves wrestling and can easily take down her sister (and sit on her!). But then she is super sweet and loving and loves to take care of just about anything. She is the queen of kisses and hugs and showers them on everyone, especially her "Camey". 

At her Dr's appointment, she was 29 lbs 4 ounces, and was 36 1/4 inches tall. She a few pounds lighter than Mattea was, but basically the same height at this age. So she is wearing size 3 clothes and they fit her perfectly!

I have to document that she is still a super messy eater - some things never seem to change. But since this picture, she has graduated to a spot at the table (because her little brother needed her highchair). Sooo we are doing a whole lot more sweeping and mopping as a result of the transition:-)

 She had her first major fall at the beginning of Dec - out of her bed into her nightstand. She's been in her big girl bed since she was 18 months, but never once tried to get out. But there's a first time for everything - I think she was trying to reach and touch her lamp (so my fault for leaving it close enough that she thought she could reach it). She looked like a train wreck. Her nose was completely cut up (all the skin scraped off) and she had several cuts around her eye, nose, brow, cheek and as a result, ended up with her eye swelling shut, and then two black eyes a few days later. For those interested, I can email a pic of her mutilated face, but this pic is her on the road to recovery...after a whole lot of ice and being covered in vitamin E for 2 weeks!

She's talking alot now which is both a good thing and a bad thing....great that she can communicate with us, but then again sometimes, do you really want her to? Her classic lines now are "I no wanna...." and "no way!" NICE....

She is also too funny though - she adds an "s" on everything...Mommys, Daddys, Tea-s. And she also personalizes everything...she won't just say "hi". She has to say "hi Mommys". Not just I love you, but "I love you Daddys". Its too cute.

She is definitely a little sweetheart (despite being a trouble maker:-))...she always thinks of Mattea...asking for her, bringing her things, cleaning up after her, and of course copying her every move. And she will do anything for Canaan and constantly comments that he's "so cuuute":-) Such a good little/big sister:-)

1 comment:

Janessa said...

She is so CUTE!!!!