Saturday, January 5, 2013

Catching up on Canaan

Soooo I have alot of catching up to do!!! The last time I posted, Canaan was only 2 months old...he is now almost 5 months! So here are some pics of months 3-4 for you to see the cuteness unfolding:-D

Here he is at 13 weeks old in one of my favourite hoodies, which he has since outgrown:-( He is now into 9 and 12 month sizes because of his height!

14 weeks old - with one of his best buds, Mousie

14 weeks old - Not sure how this happened? Lol...

15 weeks old - he is the most drooly baby ever! He goes through at least 5 bibs a day! He also doesn't suck his finger like a normal kid...he jams his entire fist in his mouth. Also loves blowing bubbles and sticking his tongue out.. so, you are going to see lots of droolies hanging down in his pics:-D

15 weeks old - He finally likes his carseat! Well I don't know if I should say *likes*, he doesn't scream anymore though but lets out a huge grunt/groan whenever you tighten his straps. I guess that is his whole objection...he doesn't want to be pinned down! He is definitely an active little guy! But at least now our outings are enjoyable because he is as quiet as a lamb!

16 weeks old - Finally Daddy was around to capture his crazy smiles. Whenever I try to catch him, he gives me the most serious stares, but he is a super smiley and talkative baby!

16 weeks old - He just looked too cute this day...I must have taken a million shots. I'm starting to like these boy clothes:-)

His signature look...complete with drool:-D

17 weeks old - love the squished up sleeping faces:-) He has definitely been my trickiest one in terms of sleeping. He is too playful for his own good, so will lay in bed talking and laughing to himself or craning his neck to see his mobile - which is tough work when you sleep on your tummy! He does the same thing when he eats - so is constantly distracted by his sisters!

17 weeks old - There are some curls in there, we just need it to grow:-) He gets cute little swirls though around his ears and crown - so they are definitely in there!:-)

17 weeks - 1st solids! He wasn't overly impressed with cereal, but is now very happy with his fruits and veggies! Anytime he is in the highchair and he sees food (anyones!) he starts grunting and kicking and won't stop until he gets something!

 17 weeks - doing his bedtime prayers:-)

Officially 4 months old (Dec 13) - He went to the Dr on the 17th (so 18 weeks) and he was 16 lbs 2 oz, and was 27 inches. Head was 42.6 cm. So he is in the 75th percentile for weight, and 97th for height. In comparison with the girls....he is 5 ounces lighter than Mattea (but 2 lbs heavier than Kayla), and is 1 inch taller than Mattea (and 1.5 taller than Kayla).

1 comment:

Janessa said...

He has a GREAT smile! So cute :)