Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Finger

On Monday, I was making taco salad for dinner. As I was cutting the red peppers, the knife slipped and cut my finger. I thought it was just a little cut, but as mom was pouring porxide on it she said there was a hole in my finger. She wrapped it up, and told Jillaine to find the missing piece (she found it but unfortunately she threw it out without getting a picture first). The SQUEAMISH must look away!

I cut off the whole tip of my finger!

I had to take pictures and share with all of you, cause this is my first major injury of my life.
The white part is re-grown skin. It is healing quite nicely. I can't get it wet so I have to shower with a plastic bag over my hand. I also have discovered that I am a klutz. I have dropped multiple things on my finger and smashed it into doors trying to open them. It still is super painful, and tender.

Posted by: Janessa


Darla said...

oh my WORD!!! That is soooo gross. It looks so painful! I minorly cut my finger (sliced a small chunk of the pad off), while using scissors (for something other than their intended use), and I have thought it was quite painful as it's healing. But it is NOTHING compared to that!!!

Maryn said...

You are going to have a awesome scar there. But in the pictures it does not look that gross.

Lauryn said...

OWWWWWW!!!! That must have HURT!!! I cut through the entire pad of my middle finger a few years ago (slicing through a pita with a bread knife...and consequently filleting my finger in the process!). Ended up with 4 stitches, and a very awkward looking bandage (picture middle finger permanently up...for like 2 weeks...definitely got some weird looks!) - although sometimes while driving, it was convenient:-P

So I feel your pain literally!!! Thank goodness though that I didnt' lose the actual piece!!! But yes, you will have a pretty crazy scar, and the sensation in your finger will probably never be the same! Mine still kills if I ever bump it on anything and its been about 5 years!

Janessa said...

I hope I get almost full feeling back otherwise I can't play the violin anymore.

Lauryn said...

OH true! I never thought of that! Mine was a clean cut, but I do not have proper feeling right along the line of the scar itself. The piece they sewed back on does have feeling...and if anything it seems to hurt more intensely if I ever bang it etc. But all in all, it healed really well. Hopefully it won't affect your ability to play!

Kari said...

eww!! ouch that looks so painful!! You guys and your injuries that's crazy!! hope it heals fast, and yes you get the feeling back to play violin!!