Who was saying that we are all so photogenic??? We are thinking of renaming this one Chandler:-P She seriously thinks she is smiling!
Little Kayla tries so hard to be girly...she is obsessed with looking like a beautiful princess. But more often than not she looks like the above picture...crazed hair, food stuck all over, but then obsessed that she "meeds a dissue" to clean, I mean smear, the mess all over her hands (face, legs, arms, feet, you name it...she wipes it). What she really needs is a mirror:-P Darla aptly named her...Messy Bessy. Truly she could win an award.
She is definitely a little copy cat. From actions to expressions, from good to bad. If Mattea does something, she is compelled to do it. For the most part, this is not a good thing as her sister knows exactly how to bait her and Kayla being more adventurous will do all of the hair-brained ideas Mattea has (but she herself is too chicken to do!). But there are the few instances where Mattea has rubbed off some good on her...Kayla is also loving doing her school work and is quite advanced in what she knows! I often catch Mattea trying to teach Kayla how to read:-)
She's such a riot. My Messy Bessy:-) I just love her! "I won't bite you Auntie Doo-la" is one of my faves...after she just bit Canaan HARD. She just makes me smile!
oh my goodness that first pic is HILARIOUS!!! love it!! :) They're all growing up so fast!
She is soooo cute!!!!!
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