Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our little girl is growing...

Well, here are a few pictures of Mackenzie! She is growing quickly (it seems to us!)! Hard to believe that she will be two months old on Monday!

 Davis' favorite thing to do is to dress her up in anything Blue Jays related (well, likely that will translate to his other teams, but we only have Blue Jays stuff so far!)
 This was our most recent family photo...(well maybe the only one so far... I am working at taking pictures more consistently!)
Davis calls this her cleaning lady look... we think she's pretty cute!


Kennedy said...

She is SUPER cute!! Via also loves the pic with her lip soother, she brings it up on her camera and laughs at least once a day!

Darla said...

She is sooo cute!! Love the chubs too, chubby babies are the best!

Darla said...

I love it that V has a cousin to dote on! I'm sure she's in her glory as the big kid in town now!

Lauryn said...

She is a little doll! Okay...maybe not so little...but still:-P Super duper cute! Love those chunky thighs and the rolls going down her arms!

chantelle said...

I am dying here, what a cutie! can't wait to see those little chubs in person!

Kari said...

SO cute!! Can't wait to see her soon! I LOVE the cleaning lady look haha!!