Friday, January 10, 2014

Catch Up

Well, it has been a while since there have been postings on the blog. Having time off work recovering from my back surgery, I will post until we are all caught up!   They will not be in any specific order.

My back was originally booked for December 27th, Maryn's birthday. Then they called with a new date, January 2nd, Kari's birthday. Here I am with a warm blowup blanket that sounded like a vacuum cleaner and had a hose, to get my body to a good temperature for surgery. They made me tuck my arms in! ;)

Here I am with my back surgery July 4, 1985 on Brent's birthday. Something about birthdays and backs!
Piper and Rigsby were so happy to see me come home.Then we noticed that he was sitting on the step.


Darla said...

cliffffffhanger! Can't wait!

Beccy said...

hahaha, I had clicked on post instead of save :/ Now it's done :)

Darla said...

got it! can't believe how big rigsby is!